04/10/21 - WASTE-FREE OCEAN PORTO SANTO - Cleaning Campaign (Facebook Município do Porto Santo)

Within the scope of the “Waste-Free Ocean Porto Santo” project, will take place on October 8, 2021 at Naval Club (meeting point), a joint cleaning campaign between the local community and the athletes of the World Underwater Photography and Video Championship.

To participate in this action, you must fill out the form available here (https://forms.gle/hAVYpKVjoze22ku49) until October 7th at 12:00. For more informations about the campaign, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +351 932 469 204.

This initiative is associated with the World Underwater Photography and Video Championship to be held in Porto Santo between 4 and 9 October 2021.


Waste-Free Ocean Porto Santo depends on you.

More about de project: https://cm-portosanto.pt/porto-santo-sem-lixo-marinho/

Porto Santo sem lixo marinho inglês 08.10.21

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