The proposed territory for the Biosphere Reserve of the Island of Porto Santo presents very unique characteristics with emphasis on the immensity of its beach, its rurality, its islets and the surrounding sea. It has well-preserved ecosystems and is home to species of exceptional interest for the conservation of nature and biodiversity, being recognised for the high scenic value of its natural and humanised landscapes.
Over the last 600 years of history, the settlement of the island was done at the expense of much sacrifice and resilience, which contributed to the creation of a unique cultural identity, reflected in the traditions and values of its people. Such unity deserves to be valued and disseminated, contributing to environmental, social and economic development, with respect for the past and for future generations.
Based on the UNESCO MaB principle - the Man-Biosphere relationship - the objective of the Biosphere Reserve is to ensure a sustainable balance between the needs of the Porto Santo population, the conservation of biogeodiversity, the fostering of economic development and the valorisation of culture and traditions.
The Biosphere Reserve advocates the fulfilment of three complementary functions, in harmony with the intrinsic values of the specific territorial area and aspirations of its people:
• Function of conservation - Protection of genetic resources, species, ecosystems and landscapes;
• Function of development - Promotion of sustainable economic development from a social, cultural and ecological perspective;
• Function of scientific knowledge and logistic support - Support and fostering of research, education, training, monitoring and dissemination activities related to actions of local, regional and global interest, with the objective of conservation and sustainable development.
For its achievement, the zonation of the territory was established, integrating the following areas into the Biosphere Reserve of the Island of Porto Santo:
• Core Areas which benefit from a long-term protection regime under the provisions of the specific legislation in effect in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, enabling the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem monitoring and the carrying out of research projects and educational or training activities. It also enables the practice of nature tourism due to the recognition of these areas as places of elevated natural, cultural and landscape value, offering ecological, educational, recreational, scientific, economic and cultural benefits for local, national and international visitors;
• Buffer Zone which surrounds the Core Areas on land and sea, in a spatial continuum, extending essentially through the marine space to the 50 meter bathymetric line. It is designed for activities in harmony with good ecological or environmental practices, such as environmental awareness and education, research, forestry, nature tourism, and recreational and leisure activities, such as walking, tours, cycling or horse riding, nautical or diving activities, among others;
• Transition Area, which corresponds to the other areas of Porto Santo, extending to the bathymetric curve of 100 meters, integrating population clusters and various practices or activities, such as fishing and agriculture, where the local population, administrative and management bodies, researchers, cultural associations, tourist groups and the economic sector in general and other stakeholders, work together in the management and sustainable development of Porto Santo.