The proposed Biosphere Reserve includes distinct protected and classified areas. Including the Network of Protected Marine Areas of Porto Santo (RAMPPS), approved by Regional Legislative Decree No. 32/2008/M of 13th August; two Special Areas of Conservation (ZEC): the Pico Branco (PTPOR0002) approved by Resolution No. 751/2009 of 2nd July and the Islets of Porto Santo (PTPOR0001) approved by Resolution of the Governing Council No. 1341/2009 of 3rd November; SIC (SIC Cetaceans – Site of Community Interest) approved by Resolution No. 699/2016 of 17th October and included in the Natura 2000 Network - PTMMD0001 Cetaceans of Madeira, under the EU Commission’s Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/20 of 14th December 2018, which adopts the seventh update of the list of sites of Community importance in the Macaronesian biogeographical region; and two Important Birds and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs).
In addition, as a consequence of the geological specificity and diversity, ten geosites have been classified in the territory (Praia, Zimbralinho, Morenos, Pico de Ana Ferreira, Serra de Dentro, Pico da Cabrita, Fonte da Areia, Islet of Cima - Pedra do Sol, Islet of Cima – Cabeço das Laranjas and Islet of Cal) and seven sites of geodiversity (Pico Espigão, Serra de Fora, Pico Branco, Porto das Salemas, Pico da Juliana, Pico do Facho and Pico do Castelo).
In addition, the Quarry of Pico de Ana Ferreira is "Property of Public Interest and Municipal Value (Regional Value) and Scientific Heritage (Geological)", according to the PDM (Municipal Master Plan), ratified by the Resolution of the Government’s Presidency No. 856/99. It is also classified as Natural Cultural Heritage, of Regional Value, by Resolution No. 592/99. The Mountain Range of Ana Ferreira, the Central Mountain Range of Porto Santo, the Beach and the Dunes are part of the CORINE Biotopes Network, in accordance with the former CORINE Programme 85/338/CEE.