The CMPS has played a fundamental role in training in the environmental field by conducting periodic training actions directed at the school community and other target audiences such as tour guides, whose performance is predominant in terms of external projection of the Biosphere Reserve’s values. In this context, the Training Action for Tourism Agents with the theme "Porto Santo: Identity with a Future", which took place from 2nd to 5th April 2019, involving a group of 25 trainees, presented to this group of local revitalisation, a whole projection, a sense of belonging and accountability, conducive to the success of this island, the candidate for Biosphere Reserve. In fact, with theoretical sessions and field trips, with topics such as: 'Geodiversity of the Island of Porto Santo: Culture, Tourism and Environment', 'Life Paths', 'Landmark Heritage of the Island of Porto Santo', 'Biodiversity. Biophysical Recovery of Porto Santo', 'Porto Santo. Population and depopulation – 15th-18th century', 'History in Nature' has roused remarkable interest and involvement, reflected in the results of the practical activity with the theme, 'Porto Santo in winter: 10 reasons to visit'. The work developed and presented by the various groups, constituted for this purpose, have revealed projections of diversified activities, in scenarios which are perfectly in keeping with what is recommended for the functionality of the Biosphere Reserve of the island of Porto Santo.
Poster "Porto Santo: Identity with Future".