In relation to birdlife, taking into consideration the nesting and migratory birds, Porto Santo encompasses 59 taxa, of which 13 are endemic, four exclusive to Madeira, namely: the Madeira buzzard (Buteo buteo harterti), the common linnet (Carduelis cannabina guentheri), the grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea schmitzi) and the Madeira firecrest (Regulus madeirensis); in addition, nine are exclusive to Macaronesia, such as Berthelot's pipit.
In relation to birds of prey, besides the Madeira buzzard, the presence and nesting of the Canarian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus canariensis), endemic to Macaronesia and the barn owl (Tyto alba schmitzi) are worthy to note.
Another subspecies that is also worthy of note is the quail (Coturnix coturnix confisa) endemic to Macaronesia, occurring in Portugal only in Madeira and listed as “Least Concerned”. Although the quail is part of the list of game birds, it does not present any relevant importance in this activity. Notwithstanding, in every hunting season, the daily bag limit is legislated as well as the hunting season, thus ensuring the conservation and maintenance of an effective population.
In the group of oceanic or pelagic birds, the following deserve mentioning, the Cory’s shearwater [Calonectris borealis (C. diomedea)], the Bulwer’s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii), the band-rumped storm petrel (Hydrobates castro) and the shearwater [Puffinus lherminieri (P. assimilis)], as well as the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) for being one of the only species of nesting Charadriiformes in RAM and of ecological importance and “Critically Endangered”, according to the Red Book of Vertebrates in Portugal.