Workshop “O Melhor de Mim”

CPCJ, in partnership with ISS Madeira, is organizing a Workshop, on September 9th and 10th, 2021 at the Municipal Assembly of Porto Santo, Training Room of the Municipal Assembly (former Espaço Tec), for young people aged between 13 and 18, parents, teachers and coaches.

With this initiative it is intended to provide a set of activities that enhance well-being.

We all have the right to WELL-BEING: to laugh with pleasure, engage in meaningful activities, have a purpose in life, create and maintain positive relationships and win a game, a gift, a tribute or praise!

However, in everyday life, full of emotions, demands and challenges, the feeling of well-being is not always present, because we tend to value what we do wrong, what we do not have and are not!

Participate and sign up for free through the link:

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