Porto Santo, August 6th and 7th, 2021.
The Municipality of Porto Santo is pleased to resume the Environmental Symposium on the island of Porto Santo, after a year of intermission due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the symposium will address the theme of reforestation in Porto Santo, which celebrates its centenary this year, aiming to highlight the importance of afforestation and ecosystem recovery in preparing for the future, improving the quality of life of populations and also as a fundamental factor in adapting to climate change that makes island territories, such as our island, even more susceptible.
The symposium, under the theme "Reforesting for the Future", will have a theoretical session on August 6 at 3:00 pm, where Susana Fontinha, from the Regional Secretariat for Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change will intervene and will address the theme “ The Forest in the Biosphere Reserve on the island of Porto Santo”; Manuel António Filipe, from the Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation, IP-RAM with the theme “Porto Santo - 100 years of Reforestation” and João Baptista Pereira da Silva, from the GEOBIOTEC Research Unit, FCT of the University of Aveiro who will explore the “ Soils and Paleosols of Porto Santo Island: Importance”.
These lectures will take place on the 6th of August in the auditorium of the Porto Santo City Council, starting at 3:00 pm.
On the 7th, a field trip is scheduled to be interpreted by the guest speakers, which is estimated to end around 5:00 pm, with a meeting point scheduled for 3:00 pm, where the group will leave by bus.
Participation in the Environmental Symposium is free, but requires a prior registration (https://cm-portosanto.pt/.../XV_SimposioAmbiental...) which must be sent to
For more information, www.cm-portosanto.ptor the Environment Office of Porto Santo City Council.