On October 28, 2020, the island of Porto Santo was classified as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve at the 32nd meeting of the International Coordination Council (ICC) of the “Man and the Biosphere” program. In an exaltation of the values ​​of the natural (biological and geological) and cultural (material and immaterial) heritage, it was with great pride that all Porto Santo received the recognition, at the highest level, of 600 years of its history, knowledge, experiences and singularities .

Throughout this year, the Municipality of Porto Santo and its bid partners have developed actions to boost the Biosphere Reserve, promoting and disclosing all the heritage underlying this classification, especially among younger people, in an attempt to preserve the collective memory of the our people.

In order to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the Biosphere Reserve on the island of Porto Santo, we invite all Porto Santo to celebrate culture and tradition at Casa da Serra, on October 28th at 3:00 pm.

1º aniversário Reserva da Biosfera Porto Santo

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